Research in Progress

Papers Under Review

"Parental Separation and Children’s Academic Performance: Further Evidence and Heterogeneity from University Students in Italy" (with Manuela Stranges)

"Changing Partnership Ideals with Online Technologies Among Women in India" (with Koyel Sarkar and Sabino Kornrich)

"Global Family Behaviors and Practices Are Converging Over Educational Expansion" (with Hanbo Wu)

"A Research Note on the Demography of Polygyny"

"Internet Exposure and Family Ideals in Major Indian Cities" (with Koyel Sarkar)

"A Gender Perspective on Demographic Convergence in Marriage Timing" (with Hanbo Wu)

In Progress

"Cell Phones, Fertility Preferences, and the Calculus of Conscious Choice in Low- and Middle-Income Countries" (with Lyman Stone). 

"No Evidence that Anti-Domestic Violence Laws Reduce Child Abuse in sub-Saharan Africa" (with Hanbo Wu).

"Gender-Based Stereotypes Towards Scientists: A Survey Experiment" (with Valentina Rotondi).

"Childhood Exposure to School Expansion and Sociocultural Changes in Inter-Caste Marriage in India" (with Nitin Kumar Bharti, Koyel Sarkar, and Neha Bailwal).

"Cartel Drug War and Family Dynamics in Mexico" (with Alfonso Carballo and María Fernanda Sobrino Macias).

"ICTs and Inter-Ethnic Marriage in East Africa" (with Benjamin Laughlin).

"Class-Based Name-Giving Patterns in Chile’s 20th Century: A Network Approach" (with Mario Molina, Mauricio Bucca, and Roberto Cantillan).

"School Segregation: A Global Perspective" (with Rob J. Gruijters and Felix N. Schlemmer).

"Missions and Harsh Parenting in Africa" (with Alberto Ciancio, Elisabetta De Cao, and Giulia La Mattina).

"Visualizing Intermarriage Rates in Latin America" (with Adriana Robles, Alejandra Abufhele, Daniela Urbina, and Mauricio Bucca).